
Maths Websites to Support Your Child’s Learning in Mathematics  |  Click on any of the Website Names below to visit their site

Website Name Notes
BBC Bitesize  In this section see how knowing about sums, averages, shapes, graphs and measurements can help you out with many tasks.
ICT Games Click on numeracy and chose an activity from the left hand side
IXL Games American based- works on age of children. Range of activities- small screen
Primary Games Bit too many adverts and small screen play. Children will need help with instructions.
Math Playground Word problems, quizzes and puzzles
NZ Maths The Ministry of Education website- click on Families
NRICH Great website for problem solving, click For Teachers Search by Topic then chose a strand, we suggest Numbers and the number system as a good start. Filter by stage- stage 1 is easier than stage 2, use the stars to further differentiate.
That Quiz Practice activities/quizzes/knowledge
Fun Brain
Illuminations Look under Activities
About Math Click on Multiplication Tricks/Resources for access to times table sheets to print
Calculation Nation You will need to create a password and log in name. A number of strategy games that combine knowledge and skill, particularly for the older children
Interactive Stuff
Sheppards Software Click on Math at the top
Times Table Table Mountain, selected table
Multiplication Games Hours of Fun
Maths Eyes Seeing maths in our everyday lives and everyday places – Have you got maths eyes?
Nrich For students and teachers with problems to solve in lots of different ways
You Cubed This site offers links to a wide range of problem solving activities for a variety of maths topics.
Which one doesn’t belong A website dedicated to providing thought-provoking puzzles for math teachers and students alike. There are no answers provided as there are many different, correct ways of choosing which one doesn’t belong. Enjoy!
Tut Pup Tutpup is a free to join website where the participant can choose level and type of mathematics they want to explore. The player is given a username and an icon which identifies them when playing against another player.
Maths Drills “Math worksheets for teachers, parents and other educators including worksheets for multiplication, fractions, addition, decimals and many other math topics. At, we provide high-quality printable math worksheets with answer keys and other general use printables.”